Rinse and Return Program

Rinse and Return Program

Rinse & Return Program

Rinse and Return Program


Rinse & Return Program

Warner Fertilizer 2672 US-127 BUS Albany, KY 42602

Last Revised: Feb 19th, 2024

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Event Description

The Rinse and Return Program is a voluntary, cooperative program sponsored by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and the Agri-Business Association of Kentucky (ABAK). Other partners include the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, which helps coordinate the Program on a county level, Farm Bureau, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service and the local conservation districts, and the Ag Container Recycling Council. Due to the materials previously held by these pesticide containers they cannot be recycled with your ordinary household plastics. This program allows for the proper recycling of these pesticide containers.

Be sure to triple rinse all chemical containers before bringing them to Warner Fertilizer: 

  • Remove cover from container. Empty the pesticide into the spray tank and let the container drain for 30 seconds.
  • Fill the container 10% to 20% full of water or rinse solution.
  • Secure the cover on the container.
  • Swirl the container to rinse all inside surfaces.
  • Remove cover from the container. Add the rinsate from the container to sprayer tank and let drain for 30 seconds or more.
  • Repeat steps 2 through 5 two more times.
  • Puncture container.

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Contact Information

2601 Business 127 North Albany, KY 42602

